Monday, 31 July 2023

How to take care of your hair After a Hair Transplant Surgery?


After Hair Transplant Surgery

After Hair Transplant Surgery

You must take into account the points listed below if you want to have fantastic hair transplant outcomes.

Prescription drugs and medications

The plastic surgeon will give you certain drugs to take after your hair transplant procedure. Make sure to take these meds as prescribed in order to recover well and achieve your goals.

Keep hydrated.

70% of your body is made up of water since the body needs it to function. Your body will heal more quickly if it has adequate water. You must remember to drink adequate water for two days following your hair transplant operation. 

PRICE Technique
Protection, Rest, Icing, Compression, and Elevation is referred to as PRICE. When there is any inflammation present, icing is used. Therefore, it is strongly advised that you use ice for 15-20 minutes above the eyebrows if you suffer any swelling.  It not only aids in the healing process but also lessens any discomfort you may be feeling generally.

Don't drive
Under specific sedatives, a hair transplant surgery is carried out. You should avoid operating a motor vehicle for the ensuing 24-36 hours. You are being driven to and from your therapy, it should be stated. 

Avoid Taking a Shower
For a few days, avoid washing your hair. A gentle wash with the recommended shampoo can be done after the third day. Avoid using hot water on your scalp since doing so might cause irritation and roughness, which could harm your scalp.

Correct Sleeping Pattern
Sleep with your head raised for the first 7 to 10 days following the hair transplant process to reduce the chance of swelling. A recliner bed could be an alternative to keep your head 45 degrees lifted if you feel too uncomfortable. 

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