Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Can I Breastfeed After Getting Breast Implants?

Can I Breastfeed After Getting Breast Implants

Can I Breastfeed After Getting Breast Implants?

 After getting breast implants, women can still breastfeed. Only a few situations could be an exception to this rule. It may be difficult for the woman to breastfeed if the breast augmentation surgery was not performed correctly and there was an issue with placing the breast implants either under the breast tissue or under the chest muscles.

Here are a few mistakes that can make breastfeeding difficult after breast augmentations:

If the milk ducts were cut during the surgery and the areola or nipples were incised, or if the implants are directly beneath the glandular tissue and on top of the chest muscle.

      if breasts weren't properly shaped

      if breasts were shaped like tubes

      if the breasts were uneven

      if the breasts were widely spaced

In some circumstances, the woman might experience nipple or breast numbness. In these situations, it might be challenging for the woman to properly nurse. During surgery, the nerves near the nipples are frequently damaged.

Read more

 Do Breast Implants Affect Pregnancy and Pregnancy Symptoms

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