Wednesday 9 October 2024

Importance of First Consultation In Hair Transplant

 Importance of First Consultation In Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant initial consultation is crucial to understand the procedure essentials, expectations, and final outcomes.

First Consultation In Hair Transplant

Initial consultation is crucial for a tailored treatment plan, as no two individuals experience hair loss in the same way.

Good initial consultations set realistic expectations for patients, as plastic surgeons like Dr. Amit Gupta use 3D consultation techniques to visualize hair transplant results.

Hair transplants vary based on individual needs, donor hair quality, and desired outcomes, as there is no one-size-fits-all approach for hair loss and balding.

The initial consultation offers patients a comprehensive understanding of the recovery process, revealing that while the procedure may take hours, the final results may take weeks.

Read more about Initial Consultation In Hair Transplant

Monday 23 September 2024

Reasons for not Successful Hair Transplant


Reasons for not Successful Hair Transplant

Hair transplants are a popular solution for balding or thinning hair, but they carry a risk of failure due to factors such as graft rejection, lack of eligibility, choosing the wrong age or time, unrealistic expectations, poor post-surgery care, and inexperienced plastic surgeons or medical staff. Graft rejection, often linked to Lichen Planopilaris (LLP), can cause inflammation in the upper regions of hair follicles, leading to scar tissue replacement. Eligibility requirements for hair transplants include being younger than 65 years of age and not suffering from blood-borne diseases or hemophilia. 

Choosing the wrong age or time for a hair transplant can also backfire, as early bald patches may crop up later. Unrealistic expectations can limit the results of a hair transplant, so patients should communicate their expectations openly with their surgeons. Post-surgery care should include adjusting sleeping positions, avoiding strenuous activities, alcohol, and limited sun exposure. Inexperienced surgeons or medical staff can also contribute to the failure of hair transplants.

Friday 20 September 2024

What Is Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery and What Are Its Benefits?


Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves eyelid appearance by removing excess skin, muscle, and fat, addressing issues like drooping, puffiness, or bags under the eyes, and can be performed on both upper and lower eyelids.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens skin, smooths wrinkles, and reduces puffiness. It involves incisions along eyelid creases and closes with sutures. It can provide long-lasting results, but consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is essential. Dr. Amit Gupta can evaluate your condition.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty surgery is a procedure that can improve the appearance of eyelids, addressing sagging or drooping eyelids, reducing eye bags and puffiness, improving vision, and boosting self-confidence. It involves removing excess skin and tightening muscles to restore a more youthful appearance. The procedure can also improve vision by removing excess skin and restoring the eyelids' proper position. The long-lasting results of blepharoplasty can be seen in individuals' quality of life, and it is essential to consult a qualified plastic surgeon for personalized treatment.

Divine Cosmetic Surgery prioritizes delivering high-quality eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery results at affordable prices, recognizing the importance of patient satisfaction.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?


Causes for Dark Circles Under Eyes and Treatment

Causes for Dark Circles Under Eyes and Treatment

Dark circles are dark shadows under the eyes caused by genetics, thinning skin, collagen loss, allergies, fatigue, dehydration, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits. They can make someone look tired, aged, or unhealthy. Various treatments exist, but seeking help from a qualified plastic surgeon may be the best solution for reducing dark circles.

Causes of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Dark circles can be caused by genetics, thin or aging skin, excessive melanin production, allergies, fatigue, lifestyle factors, sun exposure, and underlying health conditions. Genetics can lead to thinner skin, hyperpigmentation, allergies, fatigue, poor nutrition, and dehydration, while lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, and poor nutrition can contribute to the development of dark circles. Sun exposure can also stimulate melanin production, worsening pigmentation irregularities. Ultimately, dark circles can be a sign of certain health conditions.

Dark circles can be reduced through various treatments, including surgical interventions like blepharoplasty, dermal fillers like hyaluronic acid, laser treatments targeting pigmentation irregularities, chemical peels to exfoliate skin, and a combination of procedures like surgery, fillers, laser treatments, and skincare. These treatments help reduce the visibility of underlying blood vessels and hollows, improve skin tone, and lighten pigmentation. Plastic surgeons can also recommend a combination of these treatments for optimal results.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Breast implant enhancement: procedures types


breast implant enhancement: procedures types
Breast implant enhancement: technique kinds

Breast augmentation involves using breast implants to enhance size and shape, with various techniques offering unique advantages and potential risks.

The inframammary incision technique is a common breast implant technique, allowing surgeons to make a small incision underneath the breast for better visibility and control.

The periareolar incision technique, involving an incision around the lower half of the areola, allows precise implant placement and breast augmentation, but may increase nipple sensation risk and breastfeeding difficulties.

The transaxillary incision technique, a remote procedure in the armpit, offers a scar-free breast area with a tunnel for implant placement, but may have limitations in precise placement and revision surgeries.

The Transumbilical Incision Technique (TUBA) is a surgical procedure that creates a tunnel to the breast area, allowing for the insertion of implants without scars, but is technically demanding and may not be suitable for certain anatomical variations.

Read more about 

 Different Techniques Used for Breast Implants

Saturday 31 August 2024

Advantages of smaller breast implants


benefits of smaller breast implants

Advantages of smaller breast implants

Eeven though little implants are not larger in size, they nonetheless provide numerous benefits when it comes to achieving a breast augmentation look. Some of these benefits include:

Smaller implants give a more natural breast augmentation effect by enhancing the breasts without creating an artificial spherical shape.

Smaller breast implants are easier for patients to handle and do not cause back or neck aches for the patient.

Patients with thinner frames are particularly suitable candidates for smaller implants, which tend to fit well according to the patient's body type.

Smaller breast implants make for an easier recovery because the area of incisions and damaged tissues is reduced.

If patients are delighted with their breast augmentation treatment, smaller implants have no intrinsic downsides. This is why patients are frequently advised to undergo a thorough evaluation procedure when selecting a breast implant rather than simply going for the largest possible size.

If you want to obtain smaller breast implants and enjoy the natural results, you should only see the top plastic surgeon in India, Dr. Amit Gupta. He is the creator, director, and chief plastic surgeon at Divine Cosmetic Surgery, with over 20 years of experience.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Gynecomastia in Teenagers: Causes and Solutions


Gynecomastia in Teenagers: Causes and Solutions

Gynecomastia in Teenagers: Causes and Solutions

Gynecomastia, also known as "man boobs," is a male condition causing breast enlargement due to hormonal imbalances during puberty. It can be true or pseudo gynecomastia, with true gynecomastia resulting from actual breast gland enlargement and pseudo gynecomastia resulting from fat deposits. Identifying the type is crucial for treatment and management.

Teenage gynecomastia is primarily caused by hormonal imbalances, particularly during puberty, where hormonal fluctuations, particularly an increase in estrogen, can lead to breast tissue growth.

Early detection and intervention of gynecomastia are crucial for teenagers and their parents. The most common symptom is the enlargement of breast tissue, which can be firm or rubbery, and can occur on one or both chest sides.

Gynecomastia procedure, also known as male breast reduction surgery, is a surgical intervention for teenagers to remove excess glandular tissue and fat from their chest. The technique depends on the severity of the gynecomastia. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, with discreet incisions made. Patients are typically required to wear compression garments for healing. It can help improve self-esteem and physical and psychological distress
