Tuesday 30 April 2024

Is the Hymen Reconstruction Surgery Painful?


Is the Hymen Reconstruction Surgery Painful?

Is the Hymen Reconstruction Surgery Painful?

Are you considering undergoing a hymenoplasty procedure? Are you trying to find a facility or a plastic surgeon that can assist you in having the safest hymenoplasty procedure possible? If so, there's no need to search any farther than Divine Cosmetic Surgery's Dr. Amit Gupta, who specializes in offering patients private, secure, and cost-effective hymenoplasty care.

A hymenoplasty is a very personal and thoughtful treatment. Because of this, women frequently need to learn more about the subject rather than only searching for "Hymenoplasty near me."

Before choosing to undergo treatment, we at Divine Cosmetic Surgery make sure that our patients are well informed about surgery. This is done to make sure that patients are completely assured and aware of the kind of outcomes they might anticipate.

A hymenoplasty is a short, painless, safe surgery that doesn't require a lot of patient discomfort. This indicates that patients don't require a lengthy hospital stay and are released the same day.

Anesthesia is used during the procedure to guarantee that patients won't experience any pain. Following surgery, the patient receives painkillers and more instructions on how to heal painlessly. A small amount of soreness is possible, however it usually goes away 4-5 days after the procedure.

Know more about Is Hymenoplasty Surgery Painful

Saturday 27 April 2024

Breast Reduction Surgery: Benefits, and Risks


Breast Reduction Surgery: Benefits, and Risks

Breast Reduction Surgery: Benefits, and Risks

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove fat from breasts, often for women experiencing discomfort, back pain, or low self-confidence due to large breasts. It can also improve self-image and physical activity. However, it is crucial to have the procedure performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon for minimal risk and optimal results.

Breast reduction involves making incisions around the nipple and areolas, removing excess fat with liposuction, reshaping and resetting the nipples, and ensuring symmetry and a natural look to both breasts, depending on the surgeon's technique.

After breast reduction surgery, the patient is covered with bandages and wears a surgical bra. They may also receive medications to reduce pain and infection risk. Post-surgery, the breasts may feel tender, swollen, and bruised. Physical activity is advised for 4-6 weeks. Results may take a few weeks to show but are permanent.

Divine Cosmetic Surgery offers personalized breast reduction surgery under the guidance of Dr. Amit Gupta, India's trusted plastic surgeon with 20+ years of experience. With a team of medical experts, patients can expect international standard treatments and a world of international standard treatments.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

What Is the Difference Between Puffy Nipples And Gynecomastia?


Difference Between Puffy Nipples And Gynecomastia

Puffy Nipples Vs Gynecomastia or Male Breast

Let’s learn the difference between these conditions. Let’s start with looking at puffy nipples. 

In puffy nipples:

  • Areolas appear swollen or protruding more than usual.
  • This condition is often caused by excess glandular tissue or subcutaneous fat in the chest area.
  • It is commonly seen in individuals with a higher percentage of body fat or during puberty.
  • It is usually not associated with the development of breast tissue.

In gynecomastia:

  • Enlargement of glandular breast tissue in males is present.
  • It results in the appearance of breasts or breast-like swellings in the chest area.
  • It can be caused by an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone hormones. Gynecomastia can also have other causes.
  • This condition can occur at any age and is not solely related to body fat percentage.
  • It may cause physical discomfort and psychological distress due to the feminine appearance of the chest.
  • Treatment options include medication, liposuction, or surgical removal of the excess breast tissue.

It is important to note that while puffy nipples are typically a milder condition, gynecomastia involves the actual growth of breast tissue. But do you want more help in understanding the difference between both these conditions?

Read more about Puffy Nipples or Gyno

Saturday 30 March 2024

Is Hair Transplant Procedure Worth it? Cost Vs Benefits


Hair Transplant Cost Vs Benefits

Hair Transplant Cost Vs Benefits

Knowing the approximate cost of a hair transplant, the issue now becomes: is it worth the investment? The patient's expectations, the extent of their hair loss, and their financial status are some of the variables that will determine the response to this question.

It's crucial to control expectations first. A hair transplant is not a miracle cure that will fully regrow a full head of hair, but it can make hair loss appear less noticeable. It's vital to keep in mind that the outcomes might not seem flawless or as you had hoped.

Second, whether or not a hair transplant is financially worthwhile will depend on how severe the hair loss is. If your hairline is receding or you have just mild hair thinning, you might not need or want a hair transplant. On the other side, a hair transplant can greatly enhance a person's look and self-esteem, therefore someone who has experienced significant hair loss can benefit from one.

It is normal to compare the possible benefits of a hair transplant to its costs. Now let's examine this similarity:

Cost of Hair Transplant: The cost of a hair transplant varies based on a variety of criteria, including the surgeon's experience level, the location of the clinic, the degree of baldness, and the number of grafts required. Procedures for hair transplantation might cost anything from a few thousand to several thousand dollars on average. It's critical to investigate and get quotations from reliable clinics in order to comprehend the associated costs.

Advantages of hair transplantation

Permanent Solution: A hair transplant provides a permanent solution to hair loss, in contrast to transient approaches like medication or topical therapies. The implanted hair follicles grow spontaneously after that.

Natural Appearance: Modern hair transplant techniques, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), result in natural-looking hairlines and dense, full hair growth.

Boost in Confidence: Restoring a full head of hair can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence. Many individuals report feeling more attractive and youthful after a successful hair transplant.

Know more about. Is the Hair Transplant Procedure Worth it? Cost Vs Benefits

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Asymmetric Tubular Breasts: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Tubular Breasts: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Asymmetric Tubular Breast

A congenital anomaly causes a woman's breasts to become deformed, a condition known as tuberous breasts, also known as tubular breasts or tubular breast deformity. This prevents the breasts from developing normally during puberty. There is not enough skin or volume under the areola to describe these breasts. It also has a big, broad, or projecting areola with drooping or downward-pointing nipples.

Asymmetries can also develop in tuberculous breasts. One or both breasts may be affected by these conditions. The patient may also notice an abnormally large distance between the breasts if both breasts are affected. Deficits in the skin covering the breast and breast tissue may also exist.

Causes of tubular breasts

Causes of tubular breasts

Making an appointment with your physician is the first step if you have asymmetric tubular breasts. Don't be afraid to tell the surgeon everything about your medical history or the kind of outcome you hope to achieve from the procedure.

Asymmetric tuberous breast surgery is a sensitive, highly customized plastic surgery operation. For this reason, a patient should only have cosmetic surgery performed by a licensed, skilled, and experienced plastic surgeon who is aware of her demands and can assist her in getting the desired outcome.

Make an appointment with Dr. Amit Gupta right now to find out more about how to cure your asymmetric tuberous breasts!

Tuesday 20 February 2024

How to get a sharp jawline female?


How to get a sharp jawline female

How to get a sharp jawline female?

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Start by maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excess sodium and sugar intake, which can lead to bloating and water retention, obscuring the definition of your jawline.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity. Proper hydration can help reduce bloating and puffiness in the face, enhancing the appearance of your jawline.

Facial Exercises: Incorporate facial exercises into your routine to target the muscles around your jawline and neck. These exercises can help strengthen and tone the muscles, promoting a more defined jawline. Examples include chin lifts, jaw clenches, and neck stretches.

Cardio and Strength Training: Engage in regular cardio and strength training exercises to reduce overall body fat and promote muscle definition. Activities like running, cycling, and weightlifting can help burn calories and sculpt your physique, including your jawline.

Maintain Good Posture: Practice good posture to accentuate your jawline. Keep your shoulders back, chin parallel to the ground, and spine straight. Good posture not only enhances the appearance of your jawline but also conveys confidence and poise.

Consider Non-Surgical Options: Non-surgical cosmetic procedures like injectable fillers and radiofrequency treatments can help enhance the appearance of your jawline. Consult with a qualified cosmetic dermatologist or plastic surgeon to explore these options and determine if they're suitable for you.

Skincare Routine: Implement a skincare routine tailored to your skin type and concerns. Regular cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing can improve skin texture and firmness, contributing to a sharper jawline. Consider incorporating products with ingredients like retinol and hyaluronic acid for added benefits.

Hair Styling: Experiment with hairstyles that flatter your face shape and draw attention to your jawline. Opt for styles with volume around the crown and sides, as well as side-swept bangs or layers that frame the face.

Cosmetic Surgery: In cases where non-invasive methods aren't sufficient, cosmetic surgery such as liposuction or a neck lift may be considered to achieve a more defined jawline. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and expectations.

Patience and Consistency: Lastly, remember that achieving a sharp jawline takes time and consistency. Stay committed to your diet, exercise regimen, skincare routine, and any other chosen methods, and be patient as you work towards your goal.

By incorporating these strategies into your lifestyle, you can effectively enhance your jawline and achieve the sharp, defined look you desire.

Sunday 18 February 2024

Benefits of Hymenoplasty and Success Rate After Surgery

Benefits of Hymenoplasty and Success Rate After Surgery

Benefits of Hymenoplasty and Success Rate After Surgery

In addition, the following list of advantages of having a hymenoplasty is provided.

  • It will benefit a lady to be able to have regular sex with little to no bleeding.
  • If the hymen is broken or ruptured, it can aid in its restoration.
  • It might make a lady feel better by giving her the chance to regain her confidence.
As previously said, hymenoplasty is an entirely safe operation that can assist a woman in getting the outcomes she wants. There is little recovery time after this simple operation. Given that the patient only has the procedure performed by a skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Amit Gupta, the operation has a 98% success rate overall.

Know more about Hymenoplasty surgery